
Research and Musings

Posts tagged iOS
Exploring UNIX pipes for iOS kernel exploit primitives, and introducing kalloc_data_require

While playing with Corellium to practice developing exploits with previously-patched bugs, I started to think about how Corellium's hypervisor magic could be used to practice on generalized techniques even without an underlying vulnerability.

In the browser world, a typical exploit strategy would take two ArrayBuffer objects and point the backing store pointer from one at the other, such that arrayBuffer1 can change arrayBuffer2->backing_store_pointer arbitrarily and safely.

The iOS kernel, having a BSD component, contains an obvious equivalent: UNIX pipes. The pipe APIs are used much like files in typical UNIX fashion, but rather than being backed by a file on disk, their contents are stored in the kernel's address space in the form of a "pipe buffer" which is a separate allocation (by default 512 bytes, but can be expanded by writing more data to the pipe). Controlling the pipe buffer pointer creates arbitrary read/write primitives in the same way as controlling an ArrayBuffer's backing store pointer in a Javascript engine.

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